Dr. Jennifer LuzDr. Luz specializes in Sports Medicine / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (a.k.a. Physiatry) and works with professional athletes and weekend-warriors alike to address acute or chronic athletic injuries. She can also provide you …

Dr. Jennifer Luz

Dr. Luz specializes in Sports Medicine / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (a.k.a. Physiatry) and works with professional athletes and weekend-warriors alike to address acute or chronic athletic injuries. She can also provide you with the rehab plan your low back has been waiting for, optimize your exercise and prevent injuries, or help you feel your strongest during or after pregnancy.  Dr. Luz also offers in-house sonographic imaging, ultrasound-guided orthopedic procedures, and regenerative medicine. She combines these cutting edge skills wither her deep knowledge of yoga, wellness, and lifestyle medicine.  

Dr. Luz offers many services some of which include:
Sports Rehabilitation
Exercise physiology, sports biomechanics, and training techniques
Runner's injury/gait analysis
Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Tennis/Golfer's Elbow
Carpal Tunnel
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), treatments
Cortisone injections and aspirations
Sprains and Strains
Stress Fractures
and much more...

Cory HalabyCory Halaby is a Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation Expert as well as a Martha-Beck Certified Life Coach.  She is the founder of Within Life Coaching.  She inspires clients using an informed, mind/body approach to living your bes…

Cory Halaby

Cory Halaby is a Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation Expert as well as a Martha-Beck Certified Life Coach.  She is the founder of Within Life Coaching.  She inspires clients using an informed, mind/body approach to living your best life.  She is also a certified yoga nd Reiki instructor who uses her many skills to help clients tap into their own vast capacity for wisdom, creativity and happiness.

Meet with Cory at our practice’s beautiful yoga / meditation studio to have: 

personalized private yoga sessions at all levels (including those looking to start a yoga practice) 
one on one meditation coaching for beginning a mindfulness practice or at any level
individual coaching for clarity and momentum, problem solving and to “tame your to do list”
actionable stress management & life coping skills
To book your appointment with Cory for any of the services above click here.

Interested in speaking with Cory to learn more before you schedule a visit?  Book a free 20 minute phone consultation here.

Dr. Ben HerzigDr. Herzig is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in psychotherapy and consultation for adolescents, adults, and couples.  He uses an integrative approach to treatment - he draws on several theories and techniques includ…

Dr. Ben Herzig

Dr. Herzig is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in psychotherapy and consultation for adolescents, adults, and couples.  He uses an integrative approach to treatment - he draws on several theories and techniques including cognitive-behavioral therapy, attachment theory, narrative frameworks, and systems approaches.

"I don't believe in "cookie cutter" treatment; everyone is an individual and deserves to have our work catered toward their needs. I see the therapeutic relationship as being at its best when it is collaborative, non-judgmental, and unrushed. Above all, it is important that our work together be honest and trusting in order for substantive progress to be made, and I value creating that type of environment."  

Dr. Herzig has expertise in treating:
Mood Instability
Relationship Dysfunction
Grief and Loss
School and Workplace Performance
Major Life Decisions
Stress Management
Recovery from Trauma (including Veterans)
Obsessive-Compulsive Difficulties
Immigration and political-associated stress